The Goblet of Fire
The way I appreciate Noraniza Idris is never different from the way I express my appreciation towards every other things :: This is my personality :: I value the very essence of creativity, & this is why I'd like to express my love towards Harry Potter - The Goblet of Fire :: fallen in love back in November 2005
I've been following the Harry Potter series since the 1st episode :: I dont read the books - puhlizzzzz - soooo not my thing!!! hehe :: I just watch the movies and that's THAT!! :: And to be frank, none of the preceeding episodes have ever caught my attention :: I thought they were all very childish & immature - what a waste of time to have watched them :: until the 4th episode was published world-wide :: The Goblet of Fire ::
The Goblet of Fire certainly is a fiery HOTTY episode which have changed my whole perception towards this overall 'kiddy' fairy thingy of Harry Potter :: I never thought the series could be of so much fun!! :: The magical world with wizards and stuff - exageration of the fantasy world and now only have I realised that they are really really interesting!! :: But to a certain extent - I believe Harry Potter itself didn't won my heart, but instead the way the 4th episode were directed and presented is the actual aspect that caught my eyes
If you have personally watched the episodes, you should agree with me :: Goblet of Fire is totally different in comparison to the other 3 episodes ::
1:: Magically heroic!! - love all the 3 stages Triwizard competition!!
2:: Intense!! - adrenaline rush 75% throughout the movie!
3:: Matured and have definitely grown up - no more childy cuty annoying characters!!
4:: More villains and fightings!! - Yeargh!! EVIL!! I love MAGICAL FIGHTS!!
5:: bla bla bla --> banyak sangat la... malas nak cakap
My point is, The Goblet of Fire has taken a more daring perspective to attract viewers from every single generation... be it the kiddies, teenagers, adolescent :: like me :: or event the adults and elderlies :: The moral of the story - if all movie producers are as creatively involved in their movie production :: with this kind of attitude and dare to make a difference :: They wont have to worry about PIRACY!! :: Cause a high quality product will be highly appreciated in a proper way by the community ::
Well... You see... I am VERY WELL-KNOWN for my stingy personality :: & please folks, dont misunderstand the point - I AM VERY VERY PROUD OF IT haha :: But when it comes to appreciating the art of creativity; be it within MUSICS or MOVIES or whatever :: Appreciation will overcome my STINGINESS ::
And so, believe it or not... Because I LOVED HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OF FIRE so much, I found it irresistable not to get a hand on the ORIGINAL COPY of the DVD :: And yesterday I did the unthinkable - bought the brand new Harry Potter DVD!!
Regreted?? NO WAY!! HP GoF is a MASTERPIECE and to own it is a must!!
Although it seems expensive, it's TOTALLY WORTH IT!!
This is why I'd never buy pirated Noraniza Idris's products... Because I appreciate her so much that I dare not BUYing a cheap pirated version of the same product...
Stand against piracy :: though for me, this is only applicable for products with genuinely creative value hehe :: ta for now!!
I've been following the Harry Potter series since the 1st episode :: I dont read the books - puhlizzzzz - soooo not my thing!!! hehe :: I just watch the movies and that's THAT!! :: And to be frank, none of the preceeding episodes have ever caught my attention :: I thought they were all very childish & immature - what a waste of time to have watched them :: until the 4th episode was published world-wide :: The Goblet of Fire ::
The Goblet of Fire certainly is a fiery HOTTY episode which have changed my whole perception towards this overall 'kiddy' fairy thingy of Harry Potter :: I never thought the series could be of so much fun!! :: The magical world with wizards and stuff - exageration of the fantasy world and now only have I realised that they are really really interesting!! :: But to a certain extent - I believe Harry Potter itself didn't won my heart, but instead the way the 4th episode were directed and presented is the actual aspect that caught my eyes
If you have personally watched the episodes, you should agree with me :: Goblet of Fire is totally different in comparison to the other 3 episodes ::
1:: Magically heroic!! - love all the 3 stages Triwizard competition!!
2:: Intense!! - adrenaline rush 75% throughout the movie!
3:: Matured and have definitely grown up - no more childy cuty annoying characters!!
4:: More villains and fightings!! - Yeargh!! EVIL!! I love MAGICAL FIGHTS!!
5:: bla bla bla --> banyak sangat la... malas nak cakap
My point is, The Goblet of Fire has taken a more daring perspective to attract viewers from every single generation... be it the kiddies, teenagers, adolescent :: like me :: or event the adults and elderlies :: The moral of the story - if all movie producers are as creatively involved in their movie production :: with this kind of attitude and dare to make a difference :: They wont have to worry about PIRACY!! :: Cause a high quality product will be highly appreciated in a proper way by the community ::
Well... You see... I am VERY WELL-KNOWN for my stingy personality :: & please folks, dont misunderstand the point - I AM VERY VERY PROUD OF IT haha :: But when it comes to appreciating the art of creativity; be it within MUSICS or MOVIES or whatever :: Appreciation will overcome my STINGINESS ::
And so, believe it or not... Because I LOVED HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OF FIRE so much, I found it irresistable not to get a hand on the ORIGINAL COPY of the DVD :: And yesterday I did the unthinkable - bought the brand new Harry Potter DVD!!
Regreted?? NO WAY!! HP GoF is a MASTERPIECE and to own it is a must!!
Although it seems expensive, it's TOTALLY WORTH IT!!
This is why I'd never buy pirated Noraniza Idris's products... Because I appreciate her so much that I dare not BUYing a cheap pirated version of the same product...
Stand against piracy :: though for me, this is only applicable for products with genuinely creative value hehe :: ta for now!!
yeay first! nad kalah.. asyik dia jer first!
go Harry Potter!!!
p/s: serupa macam my sis... recently bought Harry Potter the GOB disc....
Ihab!!! serius aku tak sangka ko beli genuine copy!!! hahahah... ingatkan cd2 kak ani jer!!!!
oiiiiiii.... mahal ok dvd tuh!!! tapi, mmg aku sangat setuju dgn ko.. serius best giler citer GoF nih!! sgt best!! paling best sekali among all the series setakat nih!! memula aku mmg pelik.. apsal ok ko buat entry nih walhal citer dia dah lama ok tengok.. rupa2nya ko baru beli dvd dia.. hahaha.. aku mmg dah lama pasang niat nak beli dvd movie2 yang aku suka.. cam GoF and LoTR trilogy.. tapi, still sayang duit.. mahal sgt ok original! hehehe.. tapi... serius aku tak sangka ok ko beli!!! UNBELIEVABLE! thats all i can say! hahahahahah..
lagi satu, pandai ok ko kaitkan entry nih dgn kak ani! kagum boleh? mmg tak lari dari tema blog nih! hahahahaha... mmg bijak ok ko berfikir! hehehe... :D
Cause a high quality product will be highly appreciated in a proper way by the community
i am willing to wait for the box set to come out in a few years to come.. hahaha!
so, for now.. aku tgk kat wyg jer lah~
Especially the languages at the cinemas are all in Russian!!!
kat rumah aku Ihab memang beli cd/dvd original ada dua bende sajer..
lotr n hp series..haha makanya..x yah kempen ok..and lagu mersong sangat menusuk jiwa..dan sedey..heheeh..
tp for the time being aku dekat sini,i rela beli cetak rompak sajor u~~
motif abang toriq asik nak bersaing ni?motifff?
Dapat nombor 1 di sini tak dapat hadiah apa2...
Sekian mekasih hehe...
serius aku tak sangka ko beli genuine copy!!!
Aku pon naik pelik apsal aku sanggup beli...
Tu laa aku kata... Bila aku dah suka betul2 satu benda tu, aku mmg dah hilang rasa KEDEKUT HANJENG tu ;)
Jadi kalo korg sumer nak suruh aku belanja korg, sila pastikan aku meNYUKAi korg sungguh2 muahahaha...
mahal ok dvd tuh!!!
Aku tau!! Tapi citernye sangat best!
Tak sanggup aku nak tunggu lama2 nak tgk balik !! :D
paling best sekali among all the series setakat nih!!
AGREED 1000%~~~
Hahahaha... GIler exagerate!
cam GoF and LoTR trilogy
Tell you the truth, mate...
LoTR pon tak pernah cipta satu URGE dalam diri aku cam HPGoF nih bikin gundah atma jiwaku...
Aku rasa sbb konsep HPGoF yg kepelbagaian kot...
Sbb dia ada part budak2 --> aku suka kartun
Ada part ganas2 --> aku suka MORTAL KOMBAT!!
Ada part intense --> aku suka adrenaline rush...
Byk laa... Tah... Tatau camne nak explain...
Tapi tu la... Kalo aku dah jatuh cinta... Mmg aku cinta sungguh2 hehehe...
(Clue clie utk perempuan sekalian hahaha)
pandai ok ko kaitkan entry nih dgn kak ani!
Hahahaha... MOTIF ko mengata aku bijak??!!
Tapi aku susuli jua dengan ALHAMDULILLAH dan AMIN...
Truth is, kalo aku tak buat link pon takpe sebenarnya...
Sbb tema blog ni ANI & IHAB...
Mana2 citer antara dua org tu bleh diceritakan...
Tapi selagi mana aku bleh nak kaitkan, aku kaitkan laa...
Nama pon Mohammad Ihab Ismail...
Kalo buat presentation mmg lain dari yg lain ok!
Aku nak jadi UNIK!! Nak STAND OUT!! Hahahaha...
Fuyoooo... Dia mmg fanatik Harry ke?? Hahaha...
Ihab beli yg ni je...
Yg lain tak beli...
am willing to wait for the box set to come out in a few years to come
I bought this only episode coz I dont like the other 3 preceeding episodes...
And to wait for the box set meant I have to buy the other 3 episodes...
No wayyyy!! That's a definite waste of money in my point of view hahahaha...
Selamat menunggu laa Yasmin oi!!
Tapi tidak utk barang2 Kak Ani dan barang2 best yg lain ;)
lotr n hp series
WAHH!!! NAD ADALAH PEMINAT HARRY & LOTR yg lebih besar daripada aku!!
Kagum bleh?? KAGUM KAGUM!!
Aku kalo nak kira sanggup je gak nak beli ori utk citer LOTR juga...
Tapi like i said... Dia takde X-Factor cam Harry Potter 4 nih...
Tatau apsal... Maybe sbb aku suka citer budak2 yg kedewasaan?? Hehehe...
Sape pernah tgk Samurai Jack??
tp for the time being aku dekat sini,i rela beli cetak rompak sajor u
Ala.. I kalo tak jumpa ori pon, I donlod je hehehe...
Mcm lagu RSK tu sah sah takde ori copy...
Jadi donlod from tenet pon donlod laa muekeke...
Tapi bila dah kuar yg ori akan ku beli ;)
Kerana apresiasiku amat tinggi pada benda yg aku suka :D
alo alo
aku terus menyatakan di sini bahawa sila baca buku harry potter ok
malahan berkali2 ganda lebih masyuk daripada melihat filem, aku tak de lah ternanti2 sangat movie harry potter, tapi kalo buku dia aku sanggup beratur kat kedai buku boley?
sangat banyak detail yang sangat best ok! sila sedaer...
jadi sila baca buku.. buku lima sajor yang boring sikit, tp still sangat best utk dibaca ok~~
nguwaa.... nak baca buku jugak!!!
Jadi kalo korg sumer nak suruh aku belanja korg, sila pastikan aku meNYUKAi korg sungguh2 muahahaha...
--> maka aku akan buat effort yg pelbagai nak kasik ihab suka sungguh kat aku...hehehe, wajib singgah kat london sblm grad!!
A'ah buku harry potter sangat besttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...
Ya Amattt.ruginye ko x baca Ihab..motif buku lima bosan? sirius black mati ok buku tu..penoh air mata boley (hahah padan yg x baca buku..lantas tergezut)
buku enam plg bosan sebab ada lagi orang mati lantas tanak beritau saper..
maka bekejaranla korang ke kedai buku dan beli hardcover..
hek e leh nad.. apsal bagi tau? hampeh aaa...
sapa suh x baca buku!!
orang tau sape mati dalam buku Harry Potter: Half Blood Prince tue.. hehhehehe
Ihab, yes my sis really a "kipas susah mati" Harry Potter... tak boleh miss langsung any books or CD's...
nad mmg hamprass.. (serius ok!)
org tak baca buku sebab nak surprise.. kan dah tak surprise..
hamprass hamprass hamprass... grrrrr...
kechiwa jugak!!!!!
nad bocor rahsia!!!!!
abihlah bila tgk movie nanti.. tertunggu2 sirius black mati.. huhuhu~
hhahhaha padan muka sumer~
sapa suh pemalas membaca OK..
tp sib baik x beritau sapa mati dalam buku enam..lantas korang guling2 tangga kalo nad beritau..
erm sirius tu basic sajor kematiannya..sedey skijap don weri2 tak menganggu jalan cerita yg lebey UMPHHH dalam HP6..hihihihihih..
tpkan korang..sori 4 bakul ok..terpecah rahsia..ingatkan korang da baca jugak..seriousli..sbb nampak gaya cam sumer disini rajin membaca..
erk daku tersalah menilai rupanya..sori ek korang2 yg disayang..
hahaha.. takder la marah bebenar pun... cuma kesal dan kecewa jer.. hehe
btw nad, frankly speaking buku dia MMG JAUH LAGI BEST berbanding MOVIE dia!
tapi, kalo baca buku dulu baru tgk movie, mmg sah2 movie tuh jadi biasa sajer.. macam tak sedap sgt.. sebab kita dah tau jalan citer tuh.. so, mmg tak menarik.. (hasil pengalaman cetekku)
so, baik tgk movie dulu baru baca buku dia..
lain kali jgn nak pecahkan rahsia lagi noooo...
bacalah buku dulu pastu tengok effect "" ni terus nak ceritakan ending buku tujuh bley?
motif buku tujuh perkataan last dia adalah scar boley? ntah2 mimpi sajor tak hahaha
Aku nak tergelak ok time ihab cakap "Ada part ganas2 --> aku suka MORTAL KOMBAT!!"
Iyer ke dik ko suka part2 ganaz nih.. hehe..
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